[Feature Request 🔧] Cryptocurrency support


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Some of my favourites:

Fantom FTM

Polygon MATIC
Avalanche AVAX

Wilder World WILD

Raydium RAY (mainly for access to AcceleRaytor)

Treat Dao TREAT

Pudgy Penguins (ETH)
Fantom Hamsters (FTM)
ApexDucks (SOL)

Also looking into OHM/TIME/KLIMA but I don’t really understand them yet.

Least Favourite: ADA / Cardano (sorry coolsmp)

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Where do you buy your Wilder world tokens? @fryry

Uniswap or gate.io

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I’m bullish on Cosmos (ATOM) and Osmosis (OSMO) (AMM built on ATOM) right now. The interest rates in some of the liquidity pools are crazy the moment also, many above 100%. It’s not without risk of impermanent loss though.

Also enjoying Zookeeper (ZOO) built on Wanchain (WAN) for my NFT fix.

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Did you go for the staking? I have Coinbase and the required currency, but they didn’t offer me this.

Edit, looks like they’re gradually adding people on the waiting list:

Screen Shot 2021-10-19 at 23.46.20

Crypto.com is giving 5.5% for ETH staking (3 month lockups). 6.5 or 8.5% if you hold CRO.

NEXO also has good rates on ETH staking right now.

I did stake a bit and getting 4.5% - I honestly need to get away from Coinbase because they’re fees are ridiculous but it’s simple.

I’m not 100% why staking is possible before the fork to POS has been implemented though.


Good question, haha. I just looked it up, looks like ETH staking started last December, I think I knew that already. I think they’re in a hybrid phase but will be going full proof of stake when ETH2 launches? In the next 1-2 years.

In terms of the lockup of your ETH, it’s locked up until phase 1.5 is live. So it’s part of the Ethereum protocol which locks it up, not a Coinbase decision. I had to look that up as well.

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Friend of mine is now staking his Ethereum 2.0 on Coinbase he converted his Ethereum 1.0 and is receiving 4.5%.

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I have staked about 20% of mine as a test. I don’t plan to sell so will probably stake more but being cautious to start with.

Trouble is Ethereum 2.0 isnt tradable on Coinbase so you will be locked-in

It’s not tradable anywhere from what I read! I believe all staked ETH is locked in until some future protocol update.

Yeah thats the problem which is putting me off from joining the waitlist and I suspect alot of others, once they figure this out its likely to take off.

The lack of trade ability is a concern so until they over come this I’ll not stake more than a small % - you never know when you’re going to need to sell.

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Imagine eth 2.0 turns out to be crap. Its like building a city and then you realize the sewer and other infrastructure need to be completely redesigned.

That’s exactly what happens with cities, although on timescales of 100 years, Vs crypto which is more like 2 years.

Not sure at what point they envisioned proof of stake and sharding, maybe they just wanted to get something out there on the established protocol that bitcoin uses but with added smart contracts and then focus on the consensus mechanism which is less important after that.

Is that the time frame for 2.0? 2 years?

I’m not well versed in the details, tbh. But there’s a few graphics online that might help: https://www.google.com/search?q=ethereum+development+timeline&client=ms-android-google&prmd=nivx&sxsrf=AOaemvKI4rv2kfcVORai-1F-i8sSADkXFw:1634741790537&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi6juXdn9nzAhWBlFwKHYFFBZIQ_AUoAnoECAIQAg&biw=393&bih=727&dpr=2.75

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