[Feature Request 🔧] JISA - Junior ISA 👶🏻 💷

I have mine with Vanguard directly.
0.15% platform fee and then VWRL fee.

I’m considering closing it and putting the money into my FT ISA as I won’t use the full allowance most years.


I wouldn’t bet on them or LISAs being able before the end of the NEXT tax year to be honest :frowning:


Have free trade commented on whether they are going to do Junior ISA ? I’m just about to open a HL one but their fees per trade Aren’t really viable when you want to trade small amounts . I’d open 2 FT JISA in a heartbeat


@Thesuitceo I can’t remember if FT have said they’ll definitely do Junior ISA. For now I have JISAs with Interactive Investor (they’re cheap if you already have an account there), and currently opening Junior SIPPs at Fidelity. Would be happy to transfer them all to FT in future, but we’ll see.

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Interested in moving mine over too.

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Would be great to hear from Freetrade on this. It’s clearly a wanted feature and could bring some considerable new users and AUM.


Another financial year, still not a priority I guess.


I can see the JISA queries started around 2018, almost 4 years later, why hasn’t Freetrade made this product available? There were talks of roadmaps and plans mentioned on this post back in 2018/19 but it doesn’t look like it’s got any further?

What is the hold up, surely there’s enough interest, if not, why is it so hard to publish a roadmap, I mean, 4 years isn’t a short amount of time?!?




Definitely agree, jias would be fantastic opportunity

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I signed up to the forum just to add my vote for this one and keep the momentum going on this thread.

If this could be done by April 2023 I’d be happy.


Welcome to the community @zmp and congratulations on your new arrival.

If Freetrade could get this sorted by next month it would be great. Thanks!


Welcome, @zmp :wave:

We definitely know how highly requested this is and will do our best to deliver it. I will share an update if and when we have one.

FWIW I would also love to be a Freetrade JISA customer, so I’ll do the very best I can! :child:


Thanks, but the new arrival was actually a few years ago :smile:
The reason I mentioned April 2023 is nothing quite as exciting, but simply the next tax year end. I opened the FT account to put money away for littl’un, but now I’ve gotten to know the platform I’d like to start using the FT ISA for myself before the tax year is up which would mean reallocating his funds to a JISA.

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Please introduce this :slight_smile:


Any word on this?

At the Community AMA the team confirmed this was coming and fairly soon by the sounds of things.

I’ll be moving over from vanguard for my two JISA.



No official update till now.
Think before act or wait

Fairly “SOON” you say??

Work to scope out JISAs and LISAs has also begun and development will start shortly.