[Feature Request 🔧] Open Banking Connection


Did a search, didnt find anything on this. I use moneydashboard to monitor my current account, credit cards and investments as much as possible. This is done via open dashboard for security - at the moment there arent many investment portals in open banking - wealthify for example is one of the few.

Can I request FT set up a connection? Appreciate for up to date info its always going to be via the app, but its really nice to be able to see my overall funds together, even if the info is only as up to date as the last time I clicked refresh :slight_smile:

According to the roadmap, the API should be released in 3-6 months.Then MoneyDashboard will be able to link to it I believe. :+1:

Yep would love to have this. API as a service is almost everywhere now

Brill, thank you

Would Open Banking enable functionality like “My Bank” sending roundups to Freetrade instead of to a savings account?

Tagging @Wulfy as they seem interested too

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Yep I would definitely be interested in roundups going to a freetrade account. I think i might have seen a question like that too on the monzo forum some time ago.

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You’re an inspiration my dude. I created a new topic here and linked to it…

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Doesn’t look like this ever got implemented… 2 years later, no Freetrade / Open Banking Connection to Money Dashboard :frowning:

The “road map” has long been more of a “dream map”.

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Hey Freetrade folks - what’s the deal here? It’s 2024 and you’re still not letting me AISP into my Freetrade accounts like my SIPP (or ISA) so I can aggregate my pensions (& investments) using Open Banking platforms?

What’s up? It’s not 2020 any more, you’ve had a TrueLayer integration of literally years.

Our alternative – transfer funds away from Freetrade to a provider that does support modern features, but neither you nor I want that to be the solution.

Please give us a date…


Your Customers, x
(And in my case, RoryM)
Thanks. :wink:


LOL, do you think FT will ever implement anything on any of their lists? I just cant wrap my head around what on earth all those people do all day. Don’t get me wrong I am sure they are busy, but 1000 people digging holes and 1000 people filling them in are busy but not productive.


When Money Dashboard sadly died I moved over to Moneyhub (which is actually even better).

As an experiment I went to add a new investment connection and here is the list of providers and Freetrade competitors that offer a connection:

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Moneybox being the new home of Sam, once of this parish, Poulain. I’d hope if anyone can get :freetrade: on board it’s him.

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Wow, that’s great news! I wondered what had happened to him. Moneybox (oops I meant Moneyhub) really is a fantastic app and I recommend to everyone… even if you do have to manually add an amount covering anything you hold with Freetrade.

The budgeting aspect is handy, but my favourite part is seeing the total figure for your Net Worth… though that might be a bit more depressing if you’re lucky enough to have a mortgage.

Edited because I am an idiot and typing is hard with hooves.

When working out net worth, you’d add the value of the house and subtract the loan outstanding on the mortgage, so your net worth will in most cases be higher. Unless you’re in negative equity.

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Is this is a different moneybox app than the one I know of? https://www.moneyboxapp.com/

Yes totally different. It even has a different name.

I’m a cow. I cannot type. Sorry for the confusion.

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Ah moneyhub… that makes more sense, thanks :smile:

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Moneyhub, Moneybox, Moneyhut, Moneyshed… it’s all the same to me. :cow:


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