☑ [Feature Request 🔧] Watchlist ⭐

A feature that allows you to add shares to a watch list. This will be useful as more shares are added to the app so you don’t have to go through the whole discovery page or remember the name of the company.

Any update from the team on a feature like this?

I’m also in the same boat where I use yahoo for my watchlist, but if this was on freetrade I would be more likely to execute instantly when I thought the price was showing value.

Was literally just thinking I would love this!

A bit like read later for my kindle

On the way! Freetrade Roadmap


It would be great if we could add stocks to an in app Watchlist.
When we are browsing the app and looking at stocks or something triggers an interest, so off we trot to do a bit of research…then go back to the app and I can’t find it or remember it’s name. Yes I know I could write it down but that’s not much good when the app is modernising this field.
If I had a watchlist I could just bring up the list and either ditch or invest the stocks.
Perhaps also some in app Invested Top 10 that week leaderboard, which could be filtered either by most people invested or by most money invested.

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Yahoo finance

It’s coming in the next few months: Trello :+1:

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Thanks for that, I didn’t know about that. Bookmarked


It needs to show the price difference from when you started watching.

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Fully agree for a watchlist. It’s quite easy to miss potential stocks to invest in when scrolling down the list. If you had a watchlist you could return to them after the search.

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@Investor1 We agree!

It’s on the Christmas List:


Thanks Viktor :ok_hand:t2:




Awesome. Really excited for this feature… I cant wait to see my watchlist outperform my positions!!!


Wonder what we should ‘Watch’ :sweat_smile:


Welcome, Tom :wave:

You won’t have to wait much longer for this feature. It’s with our beta testers right now.



The watchlist feels very intuitive! I originally thought it might come in a separate tab, but having it below the portfolio in a slightly different Shading works really well

Two ideas for the future:

  • being able to drag watchlist items around i.e. to the top/bottom of the watchlist
  • adding 3D touch for adding stocks to the watchlist when you’re scrolling through the discover screen as another way to add them (small benefit)


I dont seem to be getting this is my app