Freetrade Competitors

Meanwhile, Dividend Tracker has announced a new integration wirh Trading212. And the integration is now live and available to customers.



Congratulations to the teams at Trading212 and Dividend Tracker for pulling this off!

A Freetrade API is the the FIFTH HIGHEST voted for feature request on the Freetrade forum, first requested 5 years, 10 months, 30 days ago back on 4th May 2018 by forward thinker @naranmistry

Great to see some glacial paced innovation in this space and hopefully it will motivate their competition to wake up. I look forward to hooking up my AJ Hell LISA to Dividend Tracker when the team over there jumps on this kind of thing.


Dont get why last was hidden


What did you say I missed it?

Someone was probably bored of you constantly moaning about how bad you think FT is.


But we have treasuries. Carnt ban that

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I believe that’s called censorship.
Would you agree?


Seems like one way opinion street?

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The platform allows anyone to flag posts. Depending on levels of the poster, the level of the flagged user and the number of flag received different things happen. You should have received a message getting you the ability to adjust your post, you can also reach out to an admin if you have any questions.

In short it’s not really censorship because that would imply that as a community we ‘have’ to listen to what ever you have to say. I haven’t flagged you but I do find your constant whinging about Freetrade while on their community tiresome. I don’t know what you aim to achieve or what you get out of such negativity but it’s you business what you post (so long as you’re within the rules)


From the community’s perspective, it’s tiring to see only complaints, but from the company’s perspective, it’s a significant warning. As Bill Gates once said, “Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.”


It is annoying as something has changed, not sure if it is FT or the forum platform, as you used to just click a label to read these messages. Now you can’t see it at all so nobody knows if it is a genuine flag.

In the past I always loved to read the flagged posts and 9 times out of 10 it was someone being silly flagging a genuine opinion.

@RGol that is a great comment. I both criticise and promote FT, more negative in last 18 months from being a fanboy, but always hope and wish FT to get their mojo bacck to the buzz they used to have.


We can always learn from bad experiences. I agree with @RGol’s quote too.

Also to paraphrase some of our community guidelines, please keep things constructive and on topic :smiley:

We appreciate all the views being aired here. Lots of us are reading this every day. And it’s tough but fair to see the feedback :muscle:


It is and no doubt some think your not entitled to it.

As you can see

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Im allowed to winge. Last post was a stupid reason to block me got baanned aswell not long ago for nothing


I guess the takeaway for you, is the comment needs to be more in the way of constructive criticism that adds value/gives a thought out opinion, to the wider community.

Simply stating “but we have treasuries” or words to that effect doesn’t really add to the thread.
Skimming back through the thread a bit, the vast majority of comments add value/opinion (constructively) or continue the flow of the thread.

Though funnily enough you made the same comment a couple weeks ago and its still visible, so 1 out of 3 of the same comment isn’t bad :smile:

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I think they ban anyone for anything nowadays (I probably get ban now)

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Don’t forget though that this community is a tiny tiny fraction of Freetrade’s customers so are not representative of all customers - I introduced many friends/family to Freetrade and of those who have continued to invest (plus a couple who now have 6-figure portfolios), none of them are interested in the forum or have ever come here.


That’s true, just as it’s true that both of us have a tiny statistical data concerning customer satisfaction. However, Bill Gates’ statement remains very valid when it comes to striving to do our best to keep the customer satisfied, whether it’s one, two, or thousands of them.


But when the customer is always right, which ones are more right than others? The one, two or the thousands? :smiley: