Freetrade Investment ISA

The platform it’s self works but I would prefer it to be a bit more mature for my likening as my primary platform for long term investing.

So more reliable data on my investments and their performance with more detail so I can accurately see what’s going on without having to do a lot of work. E.g overall performance, more detailed information on dividends, withdrawals etc.

Improved payments, including the ability to make regular scheduled payments and investments.

Improved dividend information and automatic reinvestment options.

General improvements to reliability and speed.

I’m aware most of this is in the pipeline somewhere. So it’s really not a case that I don’t think Freetrade will be a viable option, more that right now I treat it as a beta product and platform and not somewhere I would put my long term life savings. (For now)


HL LISA which is hard to move due to my age and the fees.
S&S with AJ Bell (trackers and funds only).

Freetrade is just for fun.

I have done my first trade on ISA :slight_smile:
I always traded with limit orders before FT, I hate markets orders :angry:
I have another ISA I want to move but without different order types I cannot justify moving yet :eyes:

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Why would age matter?
HL fees have changed, a number of them have been dropped so you might want to check if they apply to you.

Just because I’m over 40. Although thinking about it it should be fine to transfer.

I’ll check on the fees. I actually like the HL platform but they are generally more expensive than their competitors.