Who do you think Freetrade should partnership with, if anyone?.
I think it’d be great to be able to see your portfolio within the Starling bank app. It could also help with user signup and investment. People would be able to send funds across from Starling to Freetrade, purchase their shares and then view their portfolio within the Starling app.
Not really. Not much of an effort to open another app. I don’t think FT should waste time on this kind of stuff. Just work on their own app. No doubt if this was done then people would complain about something or other and expect regular updates to it.
I definitely like the idea of some form of integration with Monzo or Starling, doesn’t have to be very tricksy but even a simple portfolio valuation in the form of a ‘pot’ with a click through to the :freetrade: app would be pretty nice and definitely aligns with those guys wanting to sit at the heart of our financial lives.
Bit of a broken record on this one but I always thought a Monzo/Freetrade integration would be a very sexy set up from a customer acquisition point of view…four million and counting customers keyed into mobile first financial services, lots of data, captive user bases, some level of alignment between the two businesses…
And, from the perspective of those banks it might also be another potentially interesting/useful datapoint to add (client consent dependant) to credit and risk engines.