You’ll find our pitch deck on the crowdfunding page, we’ve answered frequently asked questions about the round here: Freetrade crowdfunding round 4 FAQs ❔
If you have any questions about the crowdfunding round, please ask them in this thread.
UPDATE 19:20 25th April 2019: We’ve just received an apology and more context from Crowdcube. They shared some insights with us, and told us that Crowdcube had unprecedented, never-before-seen levels of traffic due to the Freetrade pitch. Crowdcube needs a few days to prepare for the demand, and we’ll continuously update you, and we’re working on a process that will allow as many people as possible to invest.
UPDATE 12:40 25th April 2019: We had to pause our crowdfunding after a few minutes today due to the unprecedented number of people trying to invest, causing Crowdcube’s site to crash. We’re humbled by the incredible demand, and apologise to everyone who didn’t get to invest.
Here’s how we will fix this for everyone:
We will open the round again as soon as Crowdcube confirms they can handle the load, and everyone who wanted to invest today will have the chance to do so.
If you received a successful investment email, you can be sure that Crowdcube has processed your investment.
A number of investors had their investments accepted multiple times. Crowdcube is working on removing accidentally duplicated investments. For now, no action is necessary from you, but if you did invest more than once in this round intentionally then please submit your email address here.
The good news is not all of the EIS allowance (which is pending approval from HMRC) was used up, so EIS will still be available until the full £2m cap has been invested, after we open the round again.
We are as eager as you are to open our pitch page again in the next few days. We’ll give you a shout as soon as we confirm the date and time with Crowdcube.
We will keep you posted as soon as we have updates.
If the website crashes, you may have more luck using the Crowdcube app.
Due to the issues with the website, we’re struggling to approve access to restricted documents but we will process the requests as quickly as we can.