Instacart - CART - Share chat

This online delivery service connects customers with personal shoppers to deliver goods from more than 40,000 grocery stores in over 5,500 cities.

Draft S1 filed with the SEC ahead of an IPO. Instacart cut its valuation to $24 billion in March, a substantial drop from $39 billion a year earlier.

Looks like IPO has been put back, I wonder what price they got when they went to market. Must have been a fair bit lower than $24bn, given the funding round at $39bn looks like investors don’t want to realise their losses yet.

The online grocery delivery company boosted its price range by about 7 per cent to $28 to $30 per share in a filing on Friday, valuing the group at up to $10bn on a fully diluted basis.

Looks like the SP has found it’s post IPO level