iShares MSCI Philippines

Please add iShares msci Philippines

I’d like to see Freetrade add a bunch more country-specific ETFs, especially the missing ‘Bric’ countries: Brazil, Russia and India.


Ye I’d love for Vietnam to be added

Edit @AaronM there is actually a request already

It’s a US ETF isn’t it?
You won’t be getting that any time soon unless it has a European variant due to pre sale disclosure rules!

I’m not sure, it’s either a US or UK etf. It’s a shame that we don’t have greater exposure to markets and individual companies that we are interested in really.

Further research shows EPHE is US. NYSE Arca. So that’s a no go on European platforms due to lack of KIIDs.

Quick scan around (using the finki-super-search-beta function!) suggests you have a similar option in XPHI and XPHG on the LSE. It’s available on Degiro (for cheap-ish) and HL (for the usual £$£)

Trading volumes are thin so you’ll struggle to get in on Freetrade anytime soon so long as they maintain their ‘liquidity’ requirements.

If there’s not somebody out there launching a startup that only trades all ETFs for free then there probably should be. I know Freetrades investment platform will significantly aid coverage and options when it’s launched but in the mean time why is there no one offering ‘free’ (freemium) ETF coverage of EVERY ETF available in Europe? Does Evarvest count? NinetyNine? But they’re not launched so we can’t really judge. If someone ‘partnered’ with iShares, Vanguard, xTrackers and Lyxor… or just Winterflood Business Services. Does this exist? Who offers a wide ETF range for ‘free’? Let me know.


Ah okay, thank you and I’ll be sure to post here if I hear anything :grinning: