ITM Power - ITM - Share Chat

It looks like hydrogen/power in general is being hit, ceres also down 11%, along with a few other companies

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Yes, manly concern about coranavirus. I took a big it. On opening -3% of whole portfolio. The only thing going up today is gold.


Opened the app today to find I was up a fair bit…maybe one day!

Funny looking xD. For me too:


Be honest did you try to sell one? Coz I did :joy:


What happened when you tried to sell?

Went down as queued, probably cost me a pound but was worth the experiment lol


Order got cancelled and I got my pound back :joy: got to speculate to accumulate and all that but now you know what the outcome is lol


Can’t blame you for trying! :joy:


ITM has such an uplift over the last few weeks, I wonder how far it will fall?
It’s now below my original buy in price so I’ll be buying more to take advantage of the discount.

More than 50% drop. :hushed:

I’m new to ‘investing’ (gambling on shares) and the idea of buying at a discount always reminds me of r/wallstreetbets and Bitcoin hodlers… but… with that said, my thoughts of ITM Power and other hydrogen/clean energy shares has always been that they are long term investments.

On the one hand I wonder if I’m chasing my losses, but on the other hand (and slightly outweighing that thought), I too think that this might be a time where I “buy at a discount”.

I wish there were more hydrogen/clean energy companies and EFTs available in Freetrade. Does anyone know if there’s a thread that’s gathered them all up?

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Ceres, ITM, Global Clean Energy ETF spring to mind.


There is also JLEN Enviro and IMPAX Enviro in the ETFs

There are the solar funds: TRIG, Bluefield, Foresight

Also the wind fund: Greencoat

Some of the other Hydrogen companies are available on Trading212 if you aren’t platform monogamous.


This chap is great resource for info on fossil fuel free investing:

I posted this a while back that might help too:


Great recovery today. The recent drop is a case of unfortunate timing. Had a huge surge as people realised what a strong bet ITM (and others) are. This one should will be back to £1.50 pretty soon. It’s hard to overstate what a big deal the Linde JV is. There will be some massive announcements this year and almost unlimited growth in the years ahead. Still plenty of risks but they are mostly going to be growing pains (which Linde should help mitigate). Im holding this one long term. My guess is they get acquired in 2 years time with a share price way higher than it is today.

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Agree with @BramblerJohn. The various funds (TRIG, Bluefueld, Foresight, NextEnergy etc) are brilliant, ‘safety first’ stocks which have anchored my portfolio this week while everything else took a kicking. There are more coming all the time (Gore Street for batteries, US solar fund, Acquilla) but I have stuck with the long established players for now and didnt feel I needed any further diversification. You also have the speculative hydrogen companies mentioned here (ITM, Ceres, Powerhouse) but there aren’t that many pure play renewable companies on the UK exchanges. Orsted, NextEra and Neoen are companies I like but you would need another account to access these international stocks. These will probably come onto Freetrade sooner or later. For me though, Tesla, ITM and a mix of the renewable funds mentioned above have given me good returns but as ever do your own research!

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Not for the faint hearted this one - from 130 → 85 → 128 in the space of a week.


ITM Power listed in Hydrogen Taskforce yesterday.