Lloyds Banking Group - LLOY - Share Chat

You missed your chance to buy more at 52p. Buy now at 62p. Thay will be a £1 in 12 months.

Psychology comes into play when averaging up.

The same happened to me with rolls Royce. At the time. I never believed it would go to where it is now. I was buying around 70-90p

Otherwise. I would have put loads in all the way through £1’s £2’s £3’s etc.

Human behaviour is a funny old thing.


You buy to your limit, not your dream.


Now that is a surprise? A sudden 2pence drop, why? Is to do with vehicle financing?

Now we have a 2pence rise. What game is being played?

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So 20% down in profits Leads to a 7% rise today?
What else am I missing :thinking:

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Great stuff :+1:t2: think there’s a typo regarding the dividend £0.13.17p lol

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I have dividenddata send me details, dividend 2.11p

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Yea that looks about right to me aswell, well increase is good anyway so see what we get in time :+1:t2:

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So let me get this right, profit is down but dividends are up and we have a new buyback?. Any other company the Sp would drop but for Lloyds we get a rise.
I’m happy as a shareholder to see another 2 billion shares disappear but why aren’t my other shares going up :slight_smile:

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Another 2.5p rise again happy days! I’m really considering selling these now and taking the profit. I wonder where we will get to


Me too I think I would have to sell a £1 my AVG is £0.45 so I’m found massive good, but I’ve a divs investor, but I’m probably 8 x up compared to divs :+1:t2:

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I done this a while ago made a wee 400 pound on the profit and put it back into something else now I’m Profit again l also.

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I’m up nearly 2k now crazy amount on my low investment. Shame I didn’t invest more when I had the chance

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