Lloyds Banking Group - LLOY - Share Chat

Great start to the new year!


Hi everyone,

I’m considering investing into Lloyds due to their low entry point, reasonable dividend and relatively optimistic outlook for the year ahead (undervalued / potential rising interest rates in 2022 etc.). It’ll also help diversify my portfolio a bit away from tech / growth stocks.

Obviously not looking for investment advice here, but how much consideration would you put into a company’s future earnings/revenue growth? My feel is that this could be a sound, low-risk 12-18 month investment but not much beyond that…

I’m also just keen to know what factors people weigh up when deciding to purchase a new stock!

Thanks all :smiley:


I have a 1% position in LLOY since the back end of last year for all the reasons you’ve mentioned.

It’s a different kettle of fish from the “big names’ : it’s a retail bank, uk focused. It has cash reserves and, like banks generally, stands to benefit from increases in interest rates (unless they rise high enough to cause mortgage defaults which is a weak spot). They have an extensive branch network and may benefit from cost savings if they close some of them.

I like the customer focus, their support of government home buying initiatives and investment in social, affordable housing .

It’s a keeper, I think, but DYOR, obviously.

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FY 21 results coming end of Feb, will give a good idea of the group purpose going forwards.

Worthwhile remembering that Scottish Widows and Halifax Sharedealing sits in the bracket, as well as various insurance products so a wide financial market reach. Whilst investment may through sharedealing isn’t as focussed as some competitors, still nonetheless has some positive noise considering the apparent big US hitters reportedly making big profits in the investment space this year.

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Pleased I bought into lloyds, bought on the 29 December 2021, today 13 January 2022 up 11%, am I going to wake up or is this going to go crazy?


It is not crazy. You did well to buy at the right time.

With the interest rate rises many (most ?) analysts recommended buying major UK and Irish Banking stocks. As of today: over 6 months Natwest is up 23%, Lloyds 15%, Barclays 25%, HSBC 20% etc.

The underlying point is that these sort of banks have business models whose revenue growth is linked to rate rises.


Thank you for the information, I only bought for the dividend, looks like I will get some growth on top😁

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I’m delighted that I bought in during Sept 2020 :+1:

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1% Louise :thinking: you been working hard figuring the valuations out :joy: I have about £130 can you work out what I own :joy::joy:


Hahaha! Oops😱

I meant 1% of my own portfolio, not 1% of the whole company, I wish!



I closed my entire position 6 months ago and wish I hadn’t now.

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Is it time to sell or are lloyds a keeper

Should I buy more shares?

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I’m all my reading there are few trends that keep re appearing.

  • Its the year that value stocks have their comeback

  • Higher interest rates means banks are set it win. (They lend out more that they have in deposits)

  • European stocks are undervalued when compared to US.

This could all be an echo chamber but On Monday for a little tinkering.


Positive news. I have nearly 12000 shares in Lloyds at an average of 39p so its all looking good!!!


I’m old fashioned and would quite like to see a special dividend or a commitment to grow it over the coming years to 3% - 4%.


Lloyds have been sitting on a nice little cash cushion since they stopped paying dividends during the pandemic so a special dividend would be welcomed for those who held firm and didn’t sell. However, I suspect this cash will be used as part of the buyback programme as the bad debts they thought might materialise didn’t.


Lloyds shares looking good, just wish I had bought more when COVID kicked off……:chart_with_upwards_trend::boom: