Here are the FSK figures in GBP:
- Number of shares: 160
- Ordinary div payment (Apr): £68.91
- Special div payment (Apr): £6.46
- Total div payment (Apr): £75.37
Here are the FSK figures in GBP:
This is impressive. Is it simple calculation like dividends income / total purchase value over time? How long have you been holding it? Did you purchase it regularly?
Hi @ilmarichmond , its calculated as simply the total dividend payment relative to total investment.
For Rio Tinto, i first purchased the stock in April 2021 and have bought in at May 2021, Sep 2021, Dec 2021, Feb 2022, April 2022, September 2022, November 2022, January 2023, May 2023. Ive never sold the stock and i use dividends to also reinvest into the stock.
Any money i invest (including dividends), goes into the ‘total investment value’.
I guess Rio has just paid very nice dividends recently I have invested around £1,000 into Rio in total and received around £200 in dividends
Has anyone received the Petrobras dividend?
Ex date 03/05 and 26/04
Pay date 28/05
Rate in GBP 0.273 and GBP 0.174
Yes got mine
ISA dividends for May:
[Context - Portfolio size around £71k, been investing since 2015]
Biggest payout month so far this year. Share prices up again, average yield is now running at around 5.8%.
That’s the last dividend I will receive from CQS New City High Yield Fund - I have sold it as I continue to rebalance my portfolio (and cut down on the number of investments I own). The proceeds of the sale were spread among existing investments.
Progression over the years:
Hope May was a good dividend month for those collecting them!
Nice. Well done.
Hi Weenie, nice progress with your dividends, have you compared your total return with the portfolio you have vs investing in an all word etf income / accumulation?
No, I haven’t, probably as I’m not too bothered if this portfolio was doing better than my other index ETF portfolio, or vice versa.
The difference is that with this portfolio, I will get income without having to sell anything and that’s a psychological plus (to me).
Nice work Weenie. Thanks for posting
Nice update Weenie. Interested to know how many holdings you currently have and how many you are hoping to rebalance down to?
Thanks @Ste1
In this income portfolio, I currently have 37 holdings (25 investment trusts, 11 individual stocks, 1 ETF).
A few years back, I had around 45 holdings and have steadily but slowly been whittling down to something more manageable. No holding is more than 5% of the total portfolio.
I’m a buy and hold investor so it’s not easy pulling the sell trigger, plus I need to stop myself from buying anything new (which was my problem previously, hence the large number of holdings!)
I think 30 seems like a nice number to aim for, but it might be a while before I get it that low.
Pennies make pounds - keep going
I really need to better track my dividends as you have here.
5 dividend payments for may, UKW was the largest. £60.07 total
May dividends have now all come in. £136.36 for this month which I am very happy about.
This beats May for 2020 (£1.69), 2021 (£15.06), 2022 (£90.56) and 2023 (£93.51).
I have now received £428.88 for 2024.
Some stocks have paid me almost 20% of my initial investment back (recent NG money not included as I didn’t see it as a dividend).
Actually cashed out £4,000 in my portfolio this month to go towards a new car.
Portfolio size of £27,097.
Down by £118 last month.
Up £5,757 in total.
Keep up the good work my fellow dividend investors!
Every little helps, as some supermarket chain keeps telling us!
It’s a start, and we all start somewhere. Some of mine still look like that, but they’re growing!
Keep at it and you’ll see results.
Thanks for the update on holdings. I too am generally a buy and hold investor - do tinker occasionally and enjoy watching YouTube finance videos which always gives me new ideas to add investment trusts.
I have 14 positions. Moved from purely dividend to more of a dividend growth strategy. Every holding has to pay a dividend but some of these IT’s are considered lower payers.
With next year’s ISA allowance I’ll probably add one more and build out some of the lower positions.
Hey @Ste1
I love the simplicity of your 14 positions!
I hold a few of the ones you have (CTY, LWDB and MYI).
It’s possible I may look at dividend growth ITs in the future, just not yet while I’ll still considering cutting back on the number of investments I hold. I did hold SAIN and AST a while ago but those were sold in favour of higher yielding ITs.
Which YT finance videos do you watch? I don’t watch any!