Nativo Resources plc - NTVO - Share chat

Nativo Resources explores and develops mineral properties, with a focus on sustainable resource extraction in global markets. This stock may have lower liquidity and trading may be extremely volatile, with a higher likelihood of rejected orders. Less liquid stocks often have a broader spread between the price at which you will be able to sell or buy a stock. If using market orders, please be aware that there is a risk that the price at which your order is filled could significantly differ from the last displayed price in the app.

I don’t think so :sunglasses:

Good day

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Think this needs changing Sam…


I see these are doing a 1500/1 consolidation. Some reduction that

Yes and all of a sudden it’s dropped even more after it all .?
It mostly hits hard on the share holders who unfortunately invested that , hope I’m wrong.

Generally does after a consolidation. Think many think further raise is likely. Need plenty of good news to change fortunes.

What a rip off this company is. Stay away. ‘Consolidation’ should just be called what it really is, embezzlement! A grand down the swannie :pensive_face:

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