If i do invest i will not invest in the ipo.
As it will have to go into a HL general account. Unable to make it big enough to make it significant enough to cover the selling costs
Will think about it if freetrade introduce it.
They are only looking for 100 million. Unless they do very well early on, thats there stock picking and emerging markets itself it will probably go to a discount. Emerging markets have gone no where for sometimes. Personally i think they are ready based on there values for decent run.
IPOs have no purchase tax, no stockbrocker fees obviously no spread. IE the price will end up as middle price.
Fees appear to be paid in shares if i read it right.
I’m interesting in this one as I hold the India equity trust (AIE), so I’ll be keeping a close eye on it and giving the prospectus a read.
It’s going to be tough to justify investing in this though when other emerging markets trusts such as JMG are available on double-digit discounts.
Agreed (discounts) I think the fees charges are worth looking at though.
I would like to see where there investing first.
That’s actually investing not where the say they are going to invest.
100 million is seen as to small to be sustainable.
I am trying to keep an eye out for these type of investment trusts as they have habit of going into wind down or merging.
They also tend to have a very big spread.
And unless they do well from the start they will soon go to a discount.
Inevitable in this case.
Likewise. I’ll be sitting this one out and seeing how it develops. I won’t invest in anything under £100m and prefer at least £200m.
Creeping up