New REITs in the ISA? FRT & VNQ

Hey team :slightly_smiling_face:
First of all, you’re all doing an amazing job. I’ve recently opened my ISA with Freetrade and I’m in it for the long run… however, it’s a little discouraging that some of my favourite REITs and REIT ETFs aren’t available on the ISA, but they’re available in the GIA.

I’d love it if I could have FRT and VNQ in the ISA, do you think you can add this, please? @Viktor

Hi Hajnalka (are you Hungarian?)

It’s the top two item on the list of smaller improvements we will look at once we’ll have made progress on the bigger items this year.


Hi Viktor

Yes, I’m Hungarian, are you too?:slight_smile:

Thank you for your response, and that’s great. I’ll keep an eye out for new REITs this year.
Do you think we can have them by this summer? I’m only asking because I’m not sure how long these developments take.

Thanks a lot.

Best wishes,

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I sure am!

We’ll do our best to prioritise them correctly, but it’s hard to commit to a deadline currently. The entire team understands this is important.


Szia Viktor, ne haragudj, nem láttam an emailt. Hát ez szuper, micsoda meglepetés.

Köszönöm szépen, hogy dolgoztok rajta.

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No fair, communicating with each other in an unknown language, you could be sending insider trading secrets without any of us being able to take advantage! :wink:
I definitely need some Wolf of Wallstreet style tips if my current outlook is anything to go by!

:frowning: :wink:

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Hey Paul, you’re totally right. Please accept my apologies :blush: