You could have the date that the note is made as well. Peter Lynch used to make notes on why he invested in companies and then check if the thesis was still true when he went back to look at them.
Hey, would be great to have a way to put notes into the details page for each investment and/or a tag that shows how they appear on the portfolio list, as an aide memoir as to what on earth I’m doing with it. So, for example, I could tag a stock #dividend that shows up when I look at the overview and add a line of detail onto the individual page e.g. ‘holding until XX/dividend paid on Y/etc’.
Wondering if it’s possible to add a note to the stocks page. So when viewing an individual stock you could add some extra info of your own, such as price research or maybe a log of the ex-dividend Pay dates ?
Would be handy to do all that in the app rather than having to go away from it to where you have the info elsewhere. Would also mean people are using the app more making it their own which could increase user interaction.
Not sure on what would be involved in doing it so it may be a complete no no.
This would be great if you could also add notes (E.g. bought based on PE ratio) to a transaction too so that this info showed up in your activity feed.
I was just coming here to suggest this too.
I think it Would be really helpful to have a Add note button on stocks. I’m trying to diversify my portfolio so it would be really helpful to keep track of things
+1 for this. Data data data is the biggest floor to this app right now, that and accessibility. The ability for us to write notes up on a certain stock that we can refer back to in-app removes a lot of pain points when it comes to using a mobile app.
I’d prefer if I could scroll to it on the same page, likely with my most recent comment displayed with an expand option if it’s large and takes up too much screen real estate as well as a button to a separate window to see past notes.
Anyway, I have sold several stocks in error because I forgot why I invested in them. I could be organised and have a spread sheet but I have enough spreadsheets in my life. In-app notes would be a joy.
It’s cool, it’s a url system that lets you link to elements in other apps. So for example you could place a url link that goes to a note on another note taking app