[Request] Blackrock Energy and Resources Income Trust PLC (BERI) ⛏

BERI is an Investment Trust incorporated in UK and available to trade on the LSE (ISIN GB00B0N8MF98) with issued capital of Β£153.17 million.

The trust targets both growth and income and has an asset allocation of around 38% in Mining, 38% in traditional energy and 22% in energy transition. Its holdings are geographically globally spread. The largest holding is Vale S.A. ADR. (an Argentinan H.Q.ed company that engages in the production of iron ore, pellets, manganese, and iron alloys).

It has, as of writing this request, a dividend yield of 3.5% with a quarterly payout.

Did this ever get added? Can’t see it currently, so obviously not

+1 I’d consider swapping out BRWM for BERI if it was available on FT as it would broaden my exposure.

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There’s a fair number of requests for this and no obvious obstacles to adding it, it looks good liquidity-wise and has about Β£190m in assets.

I’d like to add this to my Sipp eventually, when it’s at a wider discount and not up 30+% in a year.


Yes, must admit, looking at some of the others with little of no liquidity I’m surprised, still, there must be reasons