Silver mining stocks

We have a few gold mining stocks but silver stocks and etfs are completely absent. Could we get a few seeing as silver is rallying please?

First Majestic Silver (NYSE: AG)
MAG Silver (ARCA: MAG)
Fortuna Silver Mines (NYSE: FSM)
Hochschild Mining ( OTC: HCHDF)
Endeavour Silver (NYSE: EXK)
Hecla Mining (NYSE: HL)
Alexco Resource (NYSE: AXU)
Aurcana Corp (OTC: AUNFF)
Silver One Resources (OTC: SLVRF)
Bear Creek Mining (OTC: BCEKF)


Hochschild is definitely on, I sold it a while ago before it boomed.:confused:

Silver stocks aren’t completely absent, Fresnillo is a FTSE 100 stock and is one of the worlds largest silver producers, although it says Gold in the app. it’s been rallying along with silver.

We also have Wheaton Precious Metals now which is my favourite way to play silver. I’m sure there are others.

Ideally the time to add some of the ones above to the app would have been while silver was going nowhere a few months back


Best to make seperate threads for these as the Freetrade team tend to be hesitant to add in bulk.

Do we know if any of these are likely to be added anytime soon?

Not the OTC ones at least.

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