SIPP - LTD company contributions?


I have been researching the best options to start a SIPP, I run a LTD company and wondering if Freetrade allow LTD company contributions from the director? I can’t seem to find any clarification on this and the website only mentions contributions in your personal name.



Hi @rhodrig27 Welcome Welcome Welcome :ocean:

I’m afraid that current freetrade do no support employer contributions to their SIPP, you can vote and join the discussion on the link below.

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thanks for the quick response, I’ll keep an eye out and hopefully this is something that may be implemented in the future

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Yes a few of their clients want this so hopefully it is high up their priority list. It would certainly boost their AUM figures.


AUM was cited by Adam as one of the key metrics for future valuations, I can see this having to be high on their roadmap soon if not already.

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