What are your plans for your portfolio in 2020?
Do you have a strategy for the year? Are you looking to change the way you invest? Any new year investing resolutions?
My plan for the year
For most of 2019 I only had a couple of stocks in Freetrade, but over the last 3-4 months, I started to ramp up my contributions and build out a portfolio. This is how it’s allocated at the moment:
My strategy is to invest in consumer and tech companies that I have personal experience of, or know enough about to be confident in.
There are four things I’m looking to change as soon as possible:
In most months I’ve been adding new companies rather than buying more shares of ones I already have. It means I haven’t been “buying the dip” and taking advantage of drops in prices to add more.
There are some companies (e.g. Google, Amazon) that I can’t buy because the cost of a single share is so high. Once fractional shares are live, I’ll add them.
The allocation of some companies in my portfolio is based on the cost of a single share, so some make up a greater % simply because of their share price. Again, once fractional shares are available, I’ll be able to adjust this.
Add a few European companies when they become available. I have LVMH, Airbus and Adidas on my watchlist.
As I mentioned in my topic about what I’d learned in 2019, I now have a tab in my Google Sheet to help me plan the month ahead. This is what it currently looks like for January:
This is useful for working out what I can afford given individual stock prices and force myself to be aware of earning dates.
What are your plans for 2020?