Whats everyone's prediction on a second market crash/dip?

Some won’t repay their debts and that is okay. We shouldn’t be afraid of defaulting as some people have over extended but globally I don’t think it is the case. We have been far more indebted in the past and came out laughing.

If that’s ok, then it’s ok not to repay gov debt - which goes back to my point that if they are not repaid then the whole illusion comes crashing down !

Debt is fantastic other peoples money etc etc it is all wonderful UNTIL it’s not and then actually you need to repay that thin air that you borrowed on ! Because the assets, salary, or forward earnings you have borrowed against are not what they once were!

A great discussion :+1:t2: Clearly we have apposing views.

I want to weigh in with little actual value to add. I’ve very much enjoyed reading both sides of this debate and the insights provided. Compelling points on both sides imo. So thanks


I am more worried about Brexit to be honest.

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