Coronavirus and Stock Markets - Thoughts?


It’s just a dip. Keep buying.


Overbought conditions leave equity markets relatively vulnerable. It should cause a dip in prices for the short-term but it creates a great time to buy in for the long-term, if timed correctly using market indicators! If you’re into capital gains from the stocks, it might be interesting! Good luck :raised_hands:t2:


Thanks, I’m not a dividend player if I’m honest, that’s more of a bonus to me and at present my long term strategy hasn’t let me down. I was just curious on what other people’s thoughts were on this current state of affairs.


Last time a major virus broke out the US indexes fell around 10%. Given that China is now a major economy it might be more. However the rebound was quite spectacular so unless we see global growth derailing the dip might be a good entry point.


If I was forced to hold only one stock it would be Alibaba, so I see it as a buying opportunity for the long term.


They were interviewing an expert on viruses on the radio just now and he said they don’t actually know if this is any worse than a regular outbreak of influenza yet. In a country the size of china, if they chose to give a daily death count on the media regarding regular flu deaths it would be the same as Coronavirus

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10% would be overreaction.
Compared to 2003 science has advanced a lot at the same time we have more infectious information travel through social media :mask:

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This is short-term news. Travel companies will be hit, MSCI China is down ~5% in the last 7 days. Will stocks affected still be suffereing (or benefiting from) the effect in 1 or 3 years time? I think it’s unlikely. Therefore, it may present a buying opportunity, but I’d suggest for something you’re already interested in.

This is worth a listen if you’re interested. Less serious than SARs they say. Tens of thouands die of seasonal flu each year worldwide.


I think it is just a casual correlation. Don’t believe few cases of a new ‘normal’ virus can drop the market without other reasons.




It looks completely random or buy the dip :smiley:
Of course Alibaba will be one of the first.

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I have to agree. If I were to draw any conclusion from that data (without knowing what the dots meant), I’d say these are bullish events. :confused:

It does depend. Currently this is now a respiratory disease and so highly contagious. It had already killed 42 people and many people had already left Wuhan before the crackdown and have spread all over the world. The Spanish Flu was just flu, it doesn’t mean it can’t be one of the most deadly outbreaks ever.

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The experts on The Briefing Room seem to suggest not. Mortality rate is still ~3%. Chinese gov., while not perfect, have acted more quickly and openly.

Some of the most dangerous illnesses aren’t actually that lethal. Sometimes diseases can be too lethal to spread effectively. It all depends on the R0 and how far it spreads.

I suggest you’s might want to look into “Event 201” folks
this is more than a mere coincidence and looks like a planned pandemic (in my conspiratorial opinion) if this is actually the case this is much more serious than the mainstream is letting on.

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That’s a pretty questionable website, but hey
 if you think they might be right, what changes are you making to your portfolio?

This is worth a listen on conspiracy theories.