21 stocks that could tank if Labour win an election (CityAM)

Great time to buy if it tank. Britain will inevitably bounce back stronger. Every cloud

You should read up in the facts about railway performance in the EU. The UK consistently ranks in the top three for every single aspect of train performance, connection and infrastructure.

That Thatcher quote is a load of bollocks and always was. the money doesn’t run out just because things are run for the benefit of the people. Money doesn’t disappear when it’s been spent, it continues to circulate in the economy, an increase in spending can bring a corresponding increase in tax revenue, as well as creating more jobs and stimulating the economy. I’m not saying Left wing governments have always got it right, but there is no inherent reason why it can’t work.

There always seems to be plenty of money whenever we want to join in whatever war the Americans happen to have started

Incidentally you know what I think they should privatise? The royal family! If they are such good value etc. let Richard Branson run them for a profit :smiley:

The Royal Family is run for profit at the moment.

You’re entitled to your opinion as am I. I don’t think it’s bollocks at all. I’m libertarian (lower tax, smaller government, free speech) by nature so I suppose I’m very anti-socialism, I don’t think it can work in the world now. I’m a utopian socialist I suppose but we’re not there yet

Fully agree about the royal family. I hate blue-blood stuff. To me it perpetuates racism and classism. People bow to this lot
they should really have their head checked


I’m not sure what free speech has to do with lower taxes and small govt!

Of course the Thatcher quote is bollocks for the reasons pointed out already, you can also use as good counter examples any of the social democratic states in Northern Europe eg Denmark/Sweden etc ie high tax, high wage, better public services.

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Does that include price and coverage? That’s the criticism. A train ride here costs 5 or 6 time the price in germany, austria or france (where i lived before). Connections are brutally limited based on profitability, so most connections that i want to take don’t even exist properly, so i have to take car or plane. The UK is by far the worst in my experience, which includes trains in italy and spain as well.

I was pointing out what libertarian means :roll_eyes: they are the key tenents of it. It’s even in brackets not sure why you singled out that part

She’s on the money. Socialist policies can work but those countries are not socialist. So far full-blown socialism has only lead to death in our history

You contradict yourself. Socialism has never existed anywhere. Neither in the Scandinavians nor in the UDSSR.

Like Andrew’s point
how so @SebReitz?

“But it wasn’t real socialism MUH”

The Thatcher quote doesn’t even make sense, who are these “Other people” anyway?

In socialism the services are owned by the people, paid for by the people and used by the people. no reason that can’t work.

You’re probably older than I am so I won’t bore you with how it does make sense. Everyone is the other people. They’ve never been classless societies they’ve always been 2 tiered. Those in the party and their friends and the rest.

In socialism the services are owned by the people, paid for by the people and used by the people. no reason that can’t work.

In theory
never in practice. I understand some socialist “policies” can work but a fully socialist system has never worked. Bit mental on an investing forum to be advocating for socialism. Are you trying to lose money?


I’m not really advocating full socialism, I just think a most of the public services the tories have privatised have led to a worse more expensive service

Some things should not be run for profit

I’m a tax accountant. I work with HMRC on a daily basis. If you want evidence of what a public service can look like, perform and treat the public without any competition try being an accountant. It’s so dire and awful, that it’s enough to make anyone against nationalization. HMRC would be finished overnight if there could be competition.

I don’t like the negative aspects of capitalism. However, if you want choice and low prices combined with innovation and technological advancement you must have an incentive and reward to entrepreneurs and investors. There is a reason people gamble their mortgages and life savings on their business and why others are happy taking home 20k on PAYE. It’s the reward for their risk. Many fail, but some succeed. There is no country that I am aware of where removing competition enhanced technological advancement.


I’m not talking about entrepreneurs though, I’m talking about public services, It’s pretty obvious that privatizing public transport has not led to more choice and low prices

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Jesus this is deeply worrying. Maybe I should stay away from uk stocks. To think you can change universal climate by shoving tax dollars in the ozone is mental. Communism via a wolf in sheep’s clothing

The sun is destined to die yet it is never ever mentioned by these loons

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Wanting to live on a habitable earth = communism
 sure thing.


It’s possible that they are both doing good raising awareness and creating solutions.

My opinion on the whole thing is as follows:

If we change the way we are and climate change turns out to be a dud, then we lose nothing.

If we don’t change and climate change turns out to be a devastating truth, we lose everything.

So why not just do something? Just in case?


Thanks for explaining the world to a dummy like me so I can profit from your YouTube university degree as well :slight_smile: