Damn can’t read it all.
Anyway it has little debt.
It normally trades on premium of at least 20%
Plenty of money from action.
Just sold a company for a 50% uplift. So has a lot of cash coming in from that sale.
Action is discounter something you want in a recession. It appeals to the middle class as well as the working class.
Overvalued? Well the only way really to find that out is if you go to market…not going to happen any time soon.
As an aside I bought NBPE recently.
Normally on 20 discount bought on a 30% discount so not that great a purchase.
1 I think the discount is overdone.
2 Its discount could fall significantly due to the large amount of vintage investments ready to be sold off.
3 big dividend which is very attractive in private equity sector.
From Hargreaves Lansdowne RNs
Highlights(as of 31 January 2023)
NAV per share of $28.19 (£22.90), a total return of 2.6% in the monthly performance driven by increase in quoted holdings,
Q4 2022 private company valuations and positive FX adjustments
50% of the 31 January 2023 valuation information as of 31 December 2022 or 31 January 2023
First 2023 semi-annual declared dividend of $0.47 per share$300 million of available liquidity, and a further $27 million of proceeds expected in the coming months
Bought the 7th February up 10% already. Very lucky timing.
Presently up 30.65%
Could have done a lot better if i had concentrated on this share. Bought it 17 times since the end of June.
First purchase £11.07p today bought at £19.56p. Share £19.98.
Premium 13%.
Long way to go. My opinion obviously.
3i falling for the last week or so.
Since exdivided.
Last year’s 1st quarter update was 21 July
This morning only on a 9% discount (Hargreaves Lansdowne)
Already said action doing great as in 20% increase in revenue. EBITDA increases are normally significantly higher than revenue increases.
Supposedly (I haven’t bothered doing the maths) NAV increased at 5% a month last year.
That would put them on a discount right now.
Correct you can’t win them all.
I have reduced from 52% plus to just under 28%.
Not easy as 3i just keeps on creeping up.
Buying REITs and renewables. On average they have done nothing.
Today’s update from 3i on Action has as usual meant another jump in the share price.
Just knew I should have waited for the normal march update on Action, before starting to sell and buying some REITs and renewables!
Down 4% today. Update less than expected?
Probably profit taking as valuation were more or less signposted with Actions update last month.
On the other hand
Well that’s that.
Through the £30 barrier up 112p to a new peak of £30.76.
Started buying at £11
Sold a decent amount at the start of tax year.
Selling tiny bits every now again.
Don’t think I am up on any purchases more than if I had continued to hold 3i.
I have only gained diversification.
It should be noted the top has been called many times for 3i or to be more precise Action. When this article was written the price of 3i was £16.41p.
Also what is meant by the top?
I assume it means the very high premium.
Timing the market is difficult if not impossible, 3i has fallen back many times only to go back to what some think of as ridiculous premium.
I started buying 29th June 2022 at £11.07p on 20% discount. Note a 20% discount. No guarantees it will continue to be at a premium.
Of interest they have roughly 2800 shops in Europe and expect to have another 4700.
So growth is far from over.
And then there’s the U.S.!
They have not said they are going to expand into the US market.
Roughly 8.5% share price gain Tuesday/Wednesday.
No news. Mainly European holdings.
Only thing I can think of is a reminder on my phone that 9th November last year was a quarterly update.
Down 0.25% today at £34.66p
Started buying at £11.07 end of June 2022.
Wish I hadn’t sold any!
Fell back a fair bit but today’s announcement put it up 4%. So £34.70p as at 11am.
Just noticed I have sold almost 70% of my holdings starting in February 2024 at £24.26 finishing in September at £33.02.
If only I had held on…how many times do people say that!!
Yet another new peak £36.20p
At a quick guess on 60% premium.
I know it won’t hold onto that sought of premium forever but I have sold 70% of the shares overtime, it’s now time to sit out any fall. Selling 70% of the shares was in essence trying to time the market…it didn’t work!
3i Ever upwards.
Sold 10% today to take advantage of the falls.
Probably a mistake quarterly update expected towards the end of the month.
Normally a decent jump afterwards.