Do you think it will continue to climb.?
Ah, one more thing. Stocks are good but ETFs are better!
Is this true?
All down to @Viktor and his team now - Don’t let us down - Special thanks to Duncan for that.
Great stocks …was waiting literally for ages and finally the moment…
No pressure, right?
We’ve analysed our ETF coverage, and the first few we’ll add will be different types of bond ETFs.
And more is coming, ETFs are a priority.
It’s a more complex product, but we’ll start working on implementing the support for it (and for many others).
Yes please please do as I would like to liquidate my other brokerage and move it all to FT
@Viktor, more ETF’s is great! Will you be introducing the ability to have fractional shares in ETF’s?
Yes, same as in the case of UK shares!
Will more US stocks will be adding as hoping for couple of stocks to add to my isa account
That is excellent news, thanks @Viktor.
We’ll add up to a hundred per week. Which stocks are you after?
How a perfect post should look like
That’s great news , I am looking At Livongo Health tickr LVGO , Redfin tickr RDFN and Blackline tickr BL
First thing I did - launched the app scrolled down the list looking for Realty Income…
Great to see Canadian stocks added. I hope you can add more like Manulife, Sun Life, Great West Lifeco and the other major banks.
Great stuff team! May I please add that you try and add ALL stocks and ETFs as voted by the community. Would be great to see that all requests are taken in!
Obviously not in one go… buy one can dream
Agree with this. Seriously need a better way of filtering through the increasing stock universe.