Addition of UK govt gilts to freetrade?

Any plans to add UK government gilts to freetrade (eg TN25). These are great in GIA accounts as a way to reduce tax on returns (capital gains are tax free on gilts), and are best selling products on other platforms (ie would bring in significant trading volumes).

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This would be a fantastic addition, hence bumping up this topic.

It would certainly help make Freetrade stand out from the pack.

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Agreed. Individual bonds would set FT’s offering apart as it’s relatively slim pickings in terms of options for Average Joe to invest in them directly.

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I have already suggested this feature and FT was well please with the suggestion , there working on this , as to last FT email it mentioned coming before end of this year so keep an eye out and fingers cross nothing changed the plans. im waiting on this feature for years. and how they can make it cheap to purchase .

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New to bonds:

I have placed an order for UK gilts, yesterday. However, although the money has definitely come out of my bank account and into my FT account, there’s no record of the purchase on my FT account as you have when you buy a stock. Will this order show up on my FT account later this week and, if so, when? Without this record how do I know if my purchase has been successful and how do I get my money back if I change my mind before about my order before the cut-off on Thursday?


Hi. The orders are usually locked in on a Thursday evening and you will see it be completed on the Friday at around 12pm I believe. See here for more detail:

Just read your post again, did you mean treasury bills or gilts? It should show in your activity feed.

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Looks like UK gilts are coming soon…


They are already in the app :+1: