Argent Biopharma Ltd - RGT - Share Chat

Makes me wonder about going in a little more on this. I bought a fairly small amount of speculative shares but I might take it a little further.


I am thinking of getting my AVG under the 0.03p currently 0.0350 and hold decent amount already 21976 shares so maybe overall round up to a 1k in cash and hold for long term ( my plan with time anyway)

My average is .0303 so buying more now would bring the average up a little bit, but I believe in company’s potential and that the price will steadily rise in the coming months so perhaps I should just keep buying into this for a while when I have spare money to invest, even if I’m buying whilst it’s picking up.
I have nowhere near the number of shares you currently hold but this is one I am hopeful for.


In my opinion jeep buying as long has you see it as a longterm hold , then theres no reason why you wont triple your money ( this is my view not financial advice )

I have been in it since January and my average is 0.04 i have 85.000 shares and will continue to add why they are under 10p

Good luck :crossed_fingers::pray:


Suddenly my 0.0348 doesn’t seem too bad now… :sweat_smile: 10p is a very high target!

Yep aim high, it maybe a few years away but i believe in this and am prepared to wait. I dont want a few pence i want ££££ .

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I don’t think it’s a high target especially in 2-3 years and after that 3rd year American signed deal! I’m hopefully looking at a few pound a share by 2025/26 that’s how long I’m looking at holding but maybe cap at 30,000k shares and just leave it to hopefully flourish then :crossed_fingers:t2::thinking:


But if your only just buying now I think your in a better position because you haven’t bought and seen it massively drop like 40% so you have a nice AVG now even if drops lower! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I would buy if when goes down again if you
As I can buy now and still lower AVG

This isn’t financial advice just my view lol :rofl:


Higher and higher we go :slight_smile:


Buy as much as possible before it takes off, I got 100k shares on it :chart_with_upwards_trend:


I’m just waiting for the next dip. Am going to sell my other penny stocks and put all in this I think.


There may not be a big dip if the London conference goes well today :crossed_fingers: 3p is a good starting place


I was guna say waiting for a big dip may take a while tho. I suspect il do a bit of buying tomorrow xx

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Sits back and observes I have a long way to go.


Any idea why freetrade is showing 0.0295 at close but when I look elsewhere its showing 0.0326

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Does that all the time on here, pretty much every night. Will correct in a couple of hours or in the morning.

It’s a delayed sell from yesterday. Happens all the time. The share price is 3.25.

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Great post. Wish I was savvy enough to do this🤗 potential here is fantastic 30,000 shares and will add another 5,000 soon.


Iv bought more. And my average is still just under 3p a share now. Be nice if keeps going up each week :slight_smile:

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Finally in the green!!!:v:t2::v:t4::v:t3::v::v:t6::rainbow::rainbow: