Argo Blockchain - ARB - Share Chat

This won’t recover unfortunately guys. We’ve been done.

fortunately my shitcoins have had some nice returns this week so I’m able to hold on this one for a while now, I think the business is there it’s just going to require some patience

I think a lot of money has come out of ARB this week for rainbow chasing at COIN and VLRM. They’ll be back once they’ve been spiked. I’m sat on a 11% loss now with ARB and I am mildy concerned miners have had their day as I’ve a decent size holding but I am trying to remain optimistic for now.

Considering the investments recently made by the company and the outlook on BTC I believe better days can happen, but as the colleague said above, this will require a good amount of patience, especially if they remain listed in the OTC.

I don’t think they’ve had their day, even if we averaged 165 successfully mined BTC per month like March that will be an extra 1320 in holding by the end of the year which will definitely have an impact on sp

BTC in holding means what exactly? Do the shareholders own that or can Mr (Berlin) Wall just pocket it and walk away? I mean there’s no laws governing BTC like banks and fiat. Just thinking about it BTC held in ‘Argo’ has no laws tied to it… it’s literally totally unregulated! I’ve just bloody realised this… of course they want to keep all their money in BTC! :man_shrugging:t3:

Because it’s totally untouchable, what ever happens Peter and the boys walk off with the lot!

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I thought the BTC the miners hold is considered a company asset?

Btc hits an all time high and argo proves me wrong and dips below 200p.
Didn’t see that coming or how it can be explained. Crazy

I’m not worried. Value Will come

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Let’s hope so… not sure how that would be regulated though (and I’m open correction here).

Hi Ben I know you are an old timer on here and are doing some interesting stuff we the trial fun ETF thing so big respect, but why do you think this will rise, is it based on more than a hunch?

Tomorrow will be tense :grimacing:

Nope not a hunch and I am holding about 40k shares in argo across various accounts - including wife’s accounts and pensions etc.

Its one of my biggest share holdings.

I see

  1. massive mining potential with planned texas expansion
  2. increasing bitcoin hodl
  3. btc will break 150k this year in my opinion.
  4. they have a sizeable investment in Pluto that will probably 10x in the next 12 months
  5. a top ceo who’s very transparent
  6. are about to break into nasdaq
  7. net profit was 84% last month and if you compare the hash rate and btc mined to nasdaq peers its undervalued.

Haha your first paragraph both shocked me and made me laugh! Thanks for your reply, appreciate your views :+1:t2:

£1.96 per share

£1.93 based on OTC market

As fergie used to say “ squeaky bum time “ :joy:
Good luck everybody.

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Fall or rise??

Don’t overthink it, they aren’t waiting on a discovery or a launch or another big catalyst. They have bitcoin now, are opening more rigs as time goes on. Compared to mara and riot they are still valued the lowest.

Its going to go up and down, as fergie used to say ‘my humps, my humps, my humps’.

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Have you guys watched this second video?

The CEO said that he can’t say anything about Nasdaq (>10:22 min) and in fact he’s right, otherwise it could be seen as manipulation.

Anyway, I believe that this should be a natural path for this company and maybe it will be.

I am still waiting a reverse movement in the stock price at some point from here. Maybe next week or later. Hopefully :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers: