Argo Blockchain - ARB - Share Chat

It’s a volatile share so got to keep that in mind if you buy more than a few. When I saw the big drop in bitcoin last night I was expecting ARB to drop 10% today. Of course bitcoin recovered strongly overnight so we get that strength in the share price.

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Well my strategy is to drip small sums monthly into ARB and COIN, representing no more than 10% of my portfolio max (probably more like 5%) - so I am expecting it to fluctuate over time to average out nicely.

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I wonder what is driving the bitcoin demand today. It’s bounced back from 46930 to 54160 (current) since the low at 10:30pm last night.

Will be nice to be back over £2 again :smile:

The price of this stock isn’t solely driven by bitcoin mind. Its a catalyst for sure but there’s other things to be mindful of. More to the company than just bitcoin. I think they are due to release their monthly figures on Tuesday next week so there might be a rise then, regardless of what bitcoin does.


From what I’ve read we are due the annual figures this week (last year was April 29th). We usually get the monthly figures on the third working day of the month and with Monday being a bank holiday we’ll get them next Thursday.

Also agree that the price isn’t solely driven by bitcoin, but certainly big moves up or down in bitcoin drive sentiment which is important. The upcoming Pluto IPO may give a boost to the share price as well since we own 25%, and of course the often talked about NASDAQ listing.

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Great results :clap:




Inflation + Elon Musk tag team double up. I’m tempted to pick up some more at £1.24


Argo keeps investing.

Surprisingly that Musk has suddenly discovered the green effect of mining!!


Not a great thing for Argo to be happy about after the EM post as the quote below only really works as a justification when we have an excess of energy. Until then it just means coal etc ultimately are needed when that green energy could of been used elsewhere.

The company said the data centres have a combined power capacity of 20 megawatts and currently house a significant proportion of its cryptocurrency mining equipment and are powered almost entirely by electricity generated from hydropower, part of Argo’s green mining strategy.

I’m sorry, I don’t know if I understood correctly what you mean, but they has been building their business with the use of renewable energy.

I think he means that ARB using green energy means other companies have to use “dirty” energy because there isn’t enough green energy around for the whole grid. It makes sense but you could say that about all industries that are trying to go green.

I think it was good news given the focus on energy use in crypto mining.

But, as you know the share price is plummeting and has been for weeks. I did sell a portion a few weeks back as I was saying I would and to be honest I want everything out now and regret not doing so when I had the chance to get it all out with 15% loss.


That renewable energy they use could have been used on other things is the Green argument against this justification :+1: Until we have a global excess of clean energy then places like ARB taking a % of the available green energy just mean someone else needs to use dirty energy.

End result is more energy is still being used ultimately with coal :+1:

Edit - Not my view but how the green activists view it and with some justification.

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I’ve understood. Thank you for clarifying. Well, it would be necessary to evaluate how many percent that represents in total. It would even be an opportunity to evaluate other sectors.

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Totally agree and as I said it isn’t my view 100% but this is the problem with value today. Everything can change with perception and everyone is outraged now. You just have to look at the Republicans who have been crying about cancel culture now cancelling their own :joy: :man_facepalming:

Unfortunately this is getting more and more common where people are too reactive and the stock/crypto universe can be VERY volatile to any outrage.