I’m in the hole here, but I can’t help but feel the potential of Arrival is to great to fail, someone will want in. Like I say, the industry is hot and they are one of a handful at the front (in my opinion only!). I started this downward slope at $10 a share, it’s $0.25 now and I still put in, I know the return will be a game changer (again in my opinion only!)
yeah its good entry but the problem here is reverse split. They have till march to be complaint with NSDQ to be above 1$ so there is a high chance of 20:1 or 30:1 reverse split. if thats ths case, there is a potential to fall another 50% to the value.
Why would the reverse split lead to a fall in value?
Normally thats what I see with penny stock trend. Reverse split news, shorties bang again.
i never seen a penny stock going up values after reverse stock may be there is exception like squeeze etc.
Also its to be noted that ARVL is running short of monies so there is a possibility they will release new stocks after reverse split.
Yep, R/S and it will be shorted again big time. Crazy that retail are still loading the boat here on this.
Agree with an exception being a “possible” short squeeze.
And a another record low today.
It’s not a reverse split itself that leads to further falls, it’s just a continuing downtrend due to continuing problems with the company.
I would not recommend trying to average down in something like this. Even if it doesn’t completely fail it might get acquired by another company and you may be forced to sell at a low price whether you want to or not.
19p. Market cap now lower than my local butchers. Blimey.
How low can it go… 17cts all time low… wish i bailed
At this price, I guess its definitely worth some beer money if you dont already have any shares. My 2500 shares are looking grim tho
Anyone opinion if its worth averaging down ?
Personally I wouldn’t invest anymore at this point, too much of a risk but that’s just me. Things are just looking really iffy for the company to put it mildly. I’m holding out on the investment I have and will see what happens.
Thanks , maybe your right… might grab a few pbr instead, looks like they are finally on their way back up.
I honestly think that’s wise, better putting your money into something with a bit more certainty.
Looks like with all this volatility, i might just focus on dividend stocks for now. I’m really not doing well at picking these growth tech companies and penny stocks, everything in the red still , apart for pbr almost in the green
I’m exactly in the same boat, sticking to mainly ETFs for now, although I put a small amount in Genco Shipping this month. I’m 91% down on Arrival and most of the individual stocks I bought in my early investing days are in the red, the ETFs are faring better.
I bought pbr last year, ridiculous return. Long may it continue.
I bought based on a youtuber video, a few weeks before the elections then it tumbled… typical! I havent had any divs paid yet, sorta expecting a few quid on the 28th. Yield must be wrong though, cant be that high.
They have been consistently high for the last 8 months. Had nearly 100 quid off a 250 investment. I’m reinvesting PBR divs back. For as long as they stay under 10 dollars. The div depends on what the new left govt does with it.
Based on a youtuber, that is crazy. Is this the same youtuber that was around 90k down on their investment at the time the individual released the upload and hasnt uploaded a video since. I recall the individual was going to average down too. Reckless.
P.s Youtubers take with the biggest bag of salt.