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Different order types are expected to arrive in the app this or next month

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Hey guys, just a question on where you check payment dates. I was using HLā€™s website but Iā€™m not sure itā€™s accurate. I was checking on ticker IUSA because I thought it should have payed out by now, and the ex-date is listed as 15th June and the payment date the 30th of June. Could I be looking at historical data?

DividendMax is a good place to start. They donā€™t cover AIM stocks though

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This does all UK stocks:


Thanks @szb for the reply. Can I also ask youā€¦Are dividends from dividend stocks paid into our Free Trade accounts when dividends are issued? TIA =)

Yes, you get a push notification on your phone when you receive a dividend and gets added to your account.

I suggest searching this community by typing ā€œdividendā€ in the search bar. There is plenty of useful info posted by community members.

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Hi guys, I was checking the app and Iā€™m still waiting on income that was listed as having a payment date of 24/06/2020 (ex-date 11/06/2020). Itā€™s from an index fund with the ticker IUSA. Am I being impatient or should I try contact someone about it?

Iā€™d put something in the in app chat cos thatā€™s quite a while.

Ok cool thank you AdamL

If I buy lets say Ā£10 of somewhere. How long will it take for the shares to buy and be mine ? is it instant ?

Its not instant but a few seconds normally for a stock with high liquidity

Remember to sometimes be patient. Some transactions especially on aim stocks may take longer like minutes to show.
I do not fully understand how this part works but it is not always under the control of Freetrade or any other platform.

Good shout yeah! Iā€™m also wondering how long you should wait till you sell ? A week ? A day ?

That is the million dollar q lol

I am a long term holder (5+years) with a mix of dividend and growth. I find trying to make small gains quickly is time consuming and becomes a lottery almost or worse gambling.

I would advocate researching as much as you can about any company or sector you enter. Also check YouTube to learn how to read company financials so you know what the balance sheets and earnings reports mean.

Can you recommend any creators, Iā€™m not looking to make a cheap buck but i donā€™t think Ā£10 is gonna make me millions if I wait 5 years haha

You sound like youā€™re at the beginning of your investment journey. I would personally get days or weeks out of your head and look to years into the future (20+).

Ā£10 is a small amount and wonā€™t have much of an impact in the short term, unless youā€™re going to take a punt on penny stocks (which is essentially gambling for the most part)

Do some research on compound interest, and maybe look at an ETF (which tracks lots of companies) and let your money do itā€™s thing over the long term :+1:

PAss on specific creators but look for various ā€œwhat isā€ videos, for example PE ratio to break it down.

As others have said donā€™t use creators for any stock / trading advice. There are lots of good educational creators who can explain economics / investing concepts which might be a better way of learning than reading books / academic papers if thatā€™s not your thing. This might help you understand the fundamentals of a company and create a DCF model, but ignore anyone trying to convince you to buy a particular stock/fund.

Decent analysts are very well compensated, they donā€™t need to rely on Youtube clicks and monetised blogs. Those are mostly people either:

  • Appealing to confirmation bias for easy clicks/money
  • Shilling their own positions

Also ignore past performance in any kind of short term (<20 years), with thousands of gurus out there itā€™s a statistical certainty that some of them will have dramatically outperformed the market for a few years in a row. Itā€™s very easy to misinterpret survivorship bias as skill.

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Try looking up Richard Fain on you tube. He is the person that got me wanting to invest. He is pretty knowledgeable. Hope that helps! I am a compete new-be to!

Can you not sell fractional US stocks on a GIA account?

When i tried to sell my fractional stock it wouldnā€™t let me, it would only let me sell a whole stock. And when selecting 'sell allā€™it would try to sell 999.99 shares eventhough i dont have 999.99 stocks n that portfolio.