Build your down payment brick by brick 🧱

:house_with_garden: Saving for a home deposit?

With rising property costs, saving for a deposit can seem daunting. Check out this week’s article which covers strategies on how to invest for that down payment. :muscle:

Capital at risk. ISA eligibility and tax rules apply.


There was me thinking you had launched the LISA…


No such luck lol

This has annoyed me. Greatly.

Anyone considering saving for a deposit for their first home should first consider a LISA, a product that Freetrade doesn’t offer. LISAs benefit from an annual taxpayer funded £1000 bonus into the account to help first time buyers build their deposit and to keep house prices inflated for homeowners who are looking to sell.

This piece of marketing is like, for example, some imaginary company that doesn’t offer pensions encouraging people to use Imaginary Company’s ISA for retirements savings. Before the events of 16th of January I always felt as though Freetrade was on the side of savers. Articles like this certainly don’t make me feel that way.

Also, despite being “This week’s article” the page says “Published September 4, 2024”. No shade intended towards you @MartaFreetrade.


A date that will live in infamy

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