Can I use a Freetrade ISA & Basic account (GIA) at the same time?

Hey guys if I open a freetrade isa do I loose my normal investment account or do I have 2 accounts running simultaneously? The reason I ask is because Iam wrecking my head trying to figure out how to properly invest for my children. Because my kids are too young to open their own account I would love to put part of their savings ,Xmas money, birthday money into dividend paying shares but wouldn’t interfere with my personal investments. Any ideas would be much appreciated. I know there are jisa’s out there but I assume you can’t pick and choose what stock to purchase eg coke, McDonald’s,Apple etc.

Account switching is being tested and once that’s available for all you’ll be able to have both.


You can also have a look at the feedback testers have provided in the dedicated topic :slight_smile:

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A JISA account from a trading platform will be like their ISA account. You do indeed pick what you want to invest.

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When I go to open the isa it tells me to sell everything in my gia! Which tells me I can’t have both!

Nope, not yet which is why it’s being tested with some volunteers at the moment, and the topic Vlad linked to is the feedback from those testers