Can’t update app HELP


I went to update the app recently and I get a message saying “no longer available, the developer removed this from the App Store”

Any ideas? I live in Dubai but my App Store was set to UK…


@MeghanB26 can help.

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Hey Zak :wave:

I’ve just responded to your DM :pray:

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Help! I have exactly the same issue. Except I am in Australia at the moment - UK Citizen and Resident. UK App Store.


I have the same problem as you and I am currently in Australia. All my other UK apps are fine to update but Freetrade never works. Did you download Freetrade on a different Apple ID to the one you are currently signed into?

Yes, maybe I need to use the old one but a pain in the tush as I have to reenter card info. Will let you know how I go.

I have to sign back into my UK store (a total pain as it removes my downloaded Apple Music library each time). Freetrade is the only UK app I have which requires this. All the others just update without a need to sign into my old account.

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