I’m currently a Plus member and surprised there isn’t more visual ques in the app to show this.
I found an option in the Profile screen to update billing details and also changing the app icon, but that’s about it.
Add new interest earned amount under the account screen or profile. Interested to see total amount of interest earned since becoming Plus
Upgrade profile icon to show plus membership is active.
Screen to show Plus benefits (maybe in the profile) as I sometimes wish to be reminded or check if they’ve changed and don’t want to always check freetrade.io
Link to fee information/terms
A dedicated plus tab would be ideal to show all of this!
Could Freetrade implement a pass to access the features offered by plus membership for a day?
I’m a member who doesn’t do a lot of trading and only holds a general account so monthly Freetrade plus membership isn’t really for me. However if it was available for a day to access plus stock listings and trading features it would appeal to a wider audience. Even a per transaction basis maybe better for some members.
As the cost of a month’s Plus subscription is less than the per-trade cost on many platforms, it doesn’t really seemed like it’s pitched at too high a price.
But, as has been said before in many other threads, providing too many different options will only reduce the income Freetrade get in and probably confuse people in the process. Almost nobody wants every feature of plus, but splitting them all up into a pick-and-mix would be needlessly complicated.
Yes, it’s also important to keep Freetrade’s Compare our plans | Freetrade simple for comparison purposes against other brokers and make it clear what the offering is to customers/investors.
These points can’t be stressed enough!!! I really wanted to join II as a 3rd option for stocks/options not here but you needed a degree in quantum physics to understand the pricing systems. This would deter a large proportion of FT’s user base as they want simple.
People should look at the target audience FT aim at with their influencer marketing and realise simple is best for this platform.
Also, as I have said a million times where would you put the loss of revenue? as it would need charging elsewhere.
New idea - Anyone suggesting a way to avoid paying Freetrade fees again should have also put forward where they would move the costs to