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Seriously though I need it to get to £6.70 to balance my books

I think it’s a long term hold

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I’m at 800 average so down a chunk but this is a long term hold cyber security is going to be increasing trend over the next 5-10 years.


Does anyone think these will go back up to 10 :thinking::roll_eyes:

In time I’m sure it will.

bigger fish, cloudflare might be the biggest
being effective is predicated on access to data
has the if you are going to trawl cloudflare catches it all vibes

for darktrace you have to write code?

cloudflare is muscling in on email security as well now, more data points to feed into their system

p.s. not arguing with you, do your thing tho :peace_symbol:

You are too kind. But you are right about @Cameron … he has initiated so many great posts e.g.


Moreover @Robo makes a fabulous comment that should have got far far more likes than it has

An addition that I want to make to your comment

There is another drawback with sitting on negative holdings. It is opportunity cost. Jack Bogle said " buy the haystack ". That is a sure fire way of minimising that opportunity cost.


Tbh it will need to make profit first to bring back the confidence as the valuation is a bit dodgy at the moment

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Thanks @bitflip and @kuger very kind, I hope people find them helpful.


The question should be when it will go back up to 10 and what the actual value of 10 will be when it does.

Let’s say it gets back up to 10 in 2023. That 10 won’t buy as much as it would have in 2021 as inflation, general costs of living etc all continue to rise.

It’s been announced today that UK inflation rates are at their highest in a decade. So you have to ask whether the recovery will be worth what it seems if/when it arrives. With long term holds its not just a matter of what the stock will be worth in x years time, it’s a question of if your money would be better off elsewhere.

Then there is the concern with new relatively new stock that their long term viability isn’t all that it seems. Competitors will emerge and profitability may be impacted.

Personally I have cut my losses and massively reduced my Darktrace stocks from 1000 to 200. The places I have reinvested in within 3 days have already started to show decent growth and have got my overall portfolio value back up to what it was before the Darktrace collapse.


Excellent comment @TOMCFC87 .

People forget about the time value of money. Over two years: Today’s £10 is £12.10 if you accept that ‘personal inflation’ is p.a. 10%. If we stick with 5% it’s £11.02.

Also excellent point about portfolio. This is the way (IMO) people should think about stocks and shares.

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Thanks mate, trouble is I’m 41‰ down and to far in to pull out :roll_eyes: like most of my shares, I’m currently £1100 down in a few shares with a similar story :roll_eyes: I’ve decided I’m not very good at this game :pensive:

I was about £300 down when I cut my losses and have made it back up in less than a week with a couple of short hold IPOs.


What people are experiencing is Loss aversion

It’s very difficult to overcome this and can lead to people holding onto losers way too long (I don’t know if Darktrace will continue to stay down, this is a general comment, not a comment on Darktrace.)

I’ve found it’s easier to deal with if you are well diversified. it’s easier to ditch a loser if you have plenty of other irons in the fire.

I recently ditched a load of crappy SPACs that I picked up when they were all the rage, and that went nowhere. It wasn’t so much of a wrench because they were small positions and I have plenty of other better performing positions


I’ve sold some so price should go up! Your welcome


Cheers, that did seem to work

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I sold a part out dropped my average down a bit as well going to spread it into my others that are doing well. Still have around 150 shares left so still a bit down however got another one up 50% and climbing so balancing it out a bit


Hopefully Poppy Gustafsson’s award of CEO of the year will prompt a resurgence of interest in Dark Trace
We shall wait and see

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Hopefully - Ive got few K to make back on them.

Interested to read yesterday about how their tech is going to take proactive measures against threats instead of reactive… this could be an interesting development and they indicated it’s coming very soon. Was also interested to hear how their tech tracked down that someone had planted a raspberry Pi “device” in the offices of someone connected to the Olympics that was trying to harvest data. Their software locked the device out and prevented it from doing anything - clever stuff.

They seem pretty clued up on security and so I don’t see them going anywhere but up - as always, we’ll have to see how the market plays out though.


@SteveW1 You do know that this industry award was announced 15 days ago?

And why should any of these awards have any bearing on the share price?