Destiny Tech100 - DXYZ

It’s an “Exchange Listed Fund” that just launched today. It holds shares in private companies such as SpaceX, OpenAI, Stripe, etc.

I’ll be honest that I don’t really know what an Exchange Listed Fund is, but is it something that could be made available on Freetrade?

Unless I’ve missed something an ELF is the same as an ETF, presumably applying similar criteria to unlisted companies. I only had a quick scan, but I can’t see if it is UCITS compliant, which would likely rule it out on FT.

However, Scottish Mortgage Trust (SMT) is an actively managed fund, with low costs who look to invest in similarly innovative industries which might be a good alternative for you.

I hold around 7.5% as the ‘blue sky’ holding in my SIPP portfolio: Our Portfolio | Scottish Mortgage Investment Trust

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