Do I have to buy whole shares?

I am new here and put £10 in my account, general investing I think.
I have twice tried to invest this in Vanguard VWRL and Essiluxor, both times I cant do it.
It appears that I dont have enough funds to buy one share, is this the case or am I doing something wrong?

You can only buy whole U.K. shares at this time

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Maybe take a look at FWRG instead. It tracks the same index, cheaper at 0.15%, and the unit price is about £5.

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However, FWRG is accumulating not distributing if that matters too you.

ok thats cool so its easy to see your progress, for example i can say i own 1 share in a company bought for £1 and in a year i can see its £1.10 so its grown by 10%?

The gain/loss £ figure will tell you position by position exactly that.