Enterprise Products - EPD

Enterprise Products Partners L.P. is an American midstream natural gas and crude oil pipeline company

Share price hasn’t yet recovered from crash and low oil prices

10.42% dividend

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Their income looks good, payout ratio is surprisingly lower than one would expect from Master Limited Partnership. Also they’ve been increasing their dividend steadily for the past 20 years.
MLPs in general seem to be a good choice, especially in this market.

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Press release on 07/07/2020 states $1.78 per share dividends by quarterly distribution.

Live share price as of 11:40 BST is $17.54

Worth a look. I’m a newbie so please correct me if I’ve missed something.


That’s correct.

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I don’t know anything about them, but be wary of very high dividend yields. sometimes they are that high because the company is in trouble and the share price is falling

An example, a while ago I was looking at a company with high dividends called Seadrill, I didn’t buy any in the end fortunately. Their dividend went above 25%, but then they cut it, the share price crashed and the eventually they went bankrupt. Cue much wailing by investors tempted by the big dividend

(they are trading again at a much lower valuation after some restructuring, don’t think original shareholders got anything back though)

What I’m saying is do some research and don’t be tempted by big yields without looking at the other fundamentals


Here is their announcement…

I haven’t looked too closely, but it looks like their share price has been hit by the general oil/gas dump, which accounts for the rise in the yield.
You need to look into their financials a bit more, to see how badly their revenue stream has been affected. Year on year revenue looks to be down by around 12%. That doesn’t look like a company about to go bankrupt.

Yields have been around 6% for the last 5 years. Dividends have continued to rise year on year.


Enterprise is the third biggest holding in This ETF - Alerian Midstream Energy Dividend UCITS ETF - PMLP/MMLP

Can we get this on the ISA

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I imagine the way the ownership structure is set up is what makes this ineligible to hold in an ISA, same for ellington

(you aren’t buying the underlaying shares, you are only buying what the company calls units).

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Ummm I’ve been moving some holdings out, so I’m trying to remember correctly, but I’m 99% sure I held this in my FT ISA previously, did something change?