Haha I never assumed… genuinely asked back in July if this would be possible or at least considered: Fractions for all 🍰 - #8 by Certi.Curti
My two issues are:
- My OCD (Yes, it’s bad. it’s a sickness. But, I know i’m gonna spend time trying to round up numbers. I just know it.)
- My videos will probably be about 5 minutes longer with me saying I have bought 0.72946782 shares in Shopify.
Though I can understand it is a trivial issue to some. Just a simple toggle for whole shares and then slap the post-execution difference back into my account, so I can buy a few UK shares or other cheaper holdings.
I don’t agree with compromising existing features by introducing new ones. Inadvertently this has been done. Again, trivial, I accept that. But it is what it is.