Feature request: ability to select to buy or sell by number of shares or cash amount

1 share is 1 share whether purchased by 1 share or 2*0.5 shares


Your 1 whole share is the exact same as your 1 whole share before! It is exactly 1 whole share, no matter what.

Thanks for the genuine question - I realise now this is a common misunderstanding! We will communicate the facts clearly in the next few days. Thanks again.


Thanks for the constructive criticism, always welcome.

One of the most important things around fractional shares is that you get to your whole shares just the same.

0.5 share + 0.5 share = 1 whole share
0.6 share + 0.4 share = 1 whole share

It’s the exact same 1 whole share you would have before you got fractionals enabled.

As far as I can tell, the misunderstanding around this seems to drive a lot of the anxiety and the advocacy for “only whole shares” or a toggle, so we’ll do our best to explain this fact clearly.

Thank you.


Thanks Viktor,

For now i need to suck up that as a user I wont have the option to place order an order using No. of shares and buy in whole.

I hope the noise that this is causing is being considered to fast track development and give users this functionality.

I say this from a good place.


As someone who is interested in buying fractionals (and I have done) and will likely be buying mostly in fractionals I was curious what the underlying structure was.

In the T&C’s, it says fractionals cannot be transferred, and to be on the safe side, (and as fickle millennial) I wanted to check I wouldn’t be building up a portfolio of fractional bits, that weren’t transferable - that is all. Thanks for your clarification


This is all that was needed

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If that’s important (and we might get in touch to interview you to understand the ‘why’ and ‘how’ or do testing), there is a thread for it:


Duncan and Adam are the best to comment on whether the above idea fits the product vision! I hope you can make the Tuesday AMA Zoom call.


Ah, thanks for this lead.

I re-read that part of the T&Cs, and now I see why that bit may have caused confusion! We’ll look to improve it ASAP.

Now we know what to do, so we can (and we will) communicate this better!


So how does it work selling if I have 1.3 shares of tesla or something do I need to sell my whole position by putting in the amount only? I presume if I cant select to buy a whole singular share I cant select to sell it or can I sell the .3?

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You can sell just the 0.3

As an example, I want to sell 0.5103 of the shares I have on exxon. The figure on the left then shows what whole or fractional shares you have left if you sold the amount of fractions you have entered, and what the monetary value of the shares you are selling is.


So long it’s worth more than £2


As @Pdw posted, you can sell fraction or the whole amount.

Ah perfect thats ok then, thanks for the clarification!

When you sell, you put in the number of shares.

You can sell only the 0.3.

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Tried fractionals today. Makes sense to me


would I be able to sell by £ as well?

In your screenshot, I’d need to input all the digits of share number to sell out this stock?

it’d be consistent experience if I can buy and sell by £ at the same time

to be honest, i don’t see all the fuss about having have to buy by number of shares. thinking in £ terms is more how I think about investing, because that’s how one is supposed to allocate, that is, by % of portfolio rather than # of shares

but in this instance I buy in £, but when it comes to sell, i need to sell by # of shares, which I don’t think is consistent. maybe one for @adam or @Viktor


You can’t sell by £ just shares or fractions of.

Correct, you’d need to enter all the available shares /digits to sell out. Everytime you enter a number into that box, the ‘available’ on the left will decrease to what’s left.

Every digit you enter to the sell shares section will then update the monetary value below it as well, to let you know what you’d get / est price

I think you hit the nail on the head, I would also agree If one is going to buy by a £ amount, it makes sense to be able to sell by a £ amount as well.


On the flip side, you could just edit the amount of shares you want to sell until it matches the £ value you want to sell


I guess people have done a lot of buying in beta, when they come to do some selling they’ll realise you can sell off fractions to a nice clean round number :slightly_smiling_face: