[Feature Request πŸ”§] Dividend Indicator πŸ’° πŸ””

If the ExDiv data is not within the App, how about links from the App to external sources? Maybe the corresponding HL page, Yahoo Finance page Morningstar or others?

Links to external resources might be easier to implement than bringing the data into the App and links are one of the foundations of the internet?

Hi, not sure if this has been requested before but it would be great to have visibility of the dividend ex date and payment date schedules, payment frequency (monthly, quarterly, annually) directly in the app in the investment stats per instrument.

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Great idea. This could also be pinned to the top of the community discussion for each share and managed by the community in the mean time.

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Hi @ysibre

This idea already as a thread for it, please votes and comment here

Please add if the stock gives you dividends and how much they give you. That would help me out a lot


Agreed. This would be nice if the market data is not too expensive!

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If I own a stock it would also be useful to see a list of dividends that have been paid to me alongside the history of buys and sells.


And the dividend yield of my portfolio :pray:


This!!! It’d be really nice to have that figure even if it’s an approximation (as dividends can be cut or announced at any time)

In the mean time you already have this in your activity stream. Would be nice to have that stream filterable, though.


This would be great info to add to each companies page

Feels like Finki.io should add a portfolio upload option and then overlay dividend data.
Is that of interest?
Let me know. I can build a basic version of that pretty quick I’d think.


This is the only thing missing for me at this stage.

Very happy with Freetrade though.

Big fan of this… I usually find myself searching out of the app for this info as its quicker and easier because there’s not one consistent place to find. Hopefully we can add this! :pray:

Agreed! I don’t know why this isn’t included already.


Agreed this would be a brilliant idea, I believe Robinhood has something similar.

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On holfolio.com you have a personalised list of past and future dividends for your holdings, example screenshot:


I think ex Div dates would be usefull as this impacts price.


Could you put in an ex dividend marker or a notice when dividends are due for stocks? IE if they pay quarterly, bi annual or annual?


Continue discussion in MEGATHREAD: Stock fundamentals πŸ“Š.
See implementation preview in MEGATHREAD: Stock fundamentals πŸ“Š - #99