Forum AMA with Nick Fell, Freetrade VP of Marketing, Fri 29th Oct, 1 PM

As you know, our mission is to get everyone investing. And we mean everyone, not just people in the UK. The team’s been heads-down on the Sweden launch. We’re making good progress on this and are excited to share more soon. Sweden’s a great market for Freetrade and will give us a platform to launch into more European markets.

In terms of how we’ll approach launching in new countries, we have a strong playbook from how we’ve built Freetrade in the UK. In particular, we think it’s important to build a community of passionate users early on from whom we can gather feedback (i.e. you all!).

We’ll also test different marketing channels to learn which are performing well before scaling with more investment - we can’t assume that everything we did in the UK will work in other markets.