This makes me want to work for Freetrade so badly! Great video FT, more awesome work.
Here’s Product Owner/Manager hoping you open an office in the Midlands.
Well done.
For the love of god please post some digitial marketing roles. The place looks great
This is awesome. The office looks fab as well!
@Freetrade_Team how can I get hold Freetrade T-shirt? Or even a hoodie, or both? I recall @adam wore one in the first AMA!
Ive just knocked over two coffees consecutively so I feel like I need one to cheer myself up!
Would also love some FT clothing
2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Best Dividend paying stocks?
Very nice
Check out tomorrow’s investor rewards
Were the investor rewards released? I’ve invested already and plan on reinvesting some more if it’s still live in a couple of days! Would be nice to know what the rewards are!
You can see them on the freetrade crowdcube page at the bottom
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