Fractional shares (UK)

Are they though? Default trade remains instant and day trading features are in the pipeline (stop loss?)

The T212 list is nice to see (I thought they were all US stocks but apparently some are European according to here). Iโ€™ll probably throw my remaining cash in that s&p ETF

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Stop loss isnโ€™t just for day trading. I donโ€™t use them on stocks but they do provide a way to set the max loss youโ€™re willing to take before you bail. It lets you say โ€œif the stock falls below ยฃX.XX my research was wrong and I want outโ€ without attaching emotion to the decision

If some people had used one with risky stocks like Debenhams they might have got something back

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23 posts were merged into an existing topic: Fractions for all :pizza:

Realised we have two of these running concurrently.