Free Invite & Tesla share - How many people have referred their ff&fs

Out of interest, how many friends, family and fools has everyone referred Freetrade to get their ‘free’ Tesla share? Want to know what the competition is and how many more I need to refer! I’ve done three :crazy_face:

I kinda stopped referring people as the whole process of having the free share put into your basic account only is annoying. You then have to sell it, then ask them to transfer the funds into your ISA account. It all takes a lot of faffing around! If they sorted it so your free share went straight into your ISA, then I’d probably try to “sell FT” more to friends and family.


Also out of interest has anyone ever got a share worth more than £5? I’m sure it happens, just never happened to me or any of my friends. My other concern is that people force friends and family that will never invest to open an account, meaning that FTs growth will look impressive but it muddies the water with actual users. I know several people that have even forced their grandparents to open an account for a free share etc. hence my concern😄

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Hi hugh dont forget to grab the number and update the new users thread so we can keep track! :ok_hand:


Nothing above £5 for either myself or friends! Seem to get the bottom of the barrel stocks sadly. Also agree in trying to force feed it to people I know wont really use it. If I have to try and sell, lecture and nearly do a full classroom session to get someone to accept it, I should be getting commission from FT by that point! lol. Otherwise as you say, people will get their free share and never use it again.


I have referred 10+ people already so by the time this came around I had run out of people to refer!

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I have had two stocks above £20 and I know one of my friends has had one about £100. I have also had quite a few <£3 stocks


I’ve been really unlucky in that everyone I know who is willing to invest is either on a platform already & doesn’t want a second (even with the potential Tesla share!) or I have recommended them already.

A shocking number of my friends and family are unwilling to invest at all - they all seem to be under the impression its a guaranteed way to lose money even after I show them the app, my profits and how easy it all is relatively. Even tried explaining to a few that you could join and not spend anything - sit on the free -whatever it is- share or sell it immediately, they are still under the impression they may lose money - even if they cant explain to me how they will lose having spent nothing!

I need to stop hanging out with these people and get brighter friends :smiley: :smiley:


This is honestly so frustrating. The worst thing is they are probably paying into pensions not realising that someone is actually investing on their behalf and they are likely getting rinsed by the management charges. On one hand it frustrates me that active fund managers actually get away with this on the other hand ignorance is bliss and my friends should really be taking care of their own finances. I mean I managed to get clued up about it so anyone can…


I do see it from their perspective, if in doubt best stay clear & all that - but the last few years have really changed the spectrum on investing - Robinhood, Freetrade and Trading212 have made it all so easy & cheap - yes there is still a risk of investing poorly and losing money, but its not hard to do some basic research and play it safe with passive funds & mainstream stocks and still absolutely rinse the current “best” savings rates.

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Totally agree! My mind has been opened to how much better investing is compared to traditional savings accounts. My savings/cash ISA has dropped to such a low level now (0.05) that its really pointless putting money into it for any kind of interest returns. I only use it to store money so that it doesnt get taxed.

Comapre to freetrade, only been investing since last Nov and already im getting back essentially my weekly grocery bill! Its a no-brainer when you lay it out to people like that. But as its been said above, some people see it as gambling almost and think traditional banking and savings accounts are better cause its all they’ve known.

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I haven’t got any friends.


Aww man, I’ll be your friend if you just click this one harmless referral link for me :wink:


Likewise I have the same problem with some of the people I have tried to refer.

I’ve invited 30+ people through social media but I dont believe any of them have taken up the offer which is a tad annoying. The only free shares I or people I’ve previously referred have got were around £3-4 but free is free and i appreciate them. Sadly no Teska share for me. Good luck to those in the draw.

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