Anyone feel free trade is to basic i love it but would like to see more features such as pre market watch etc
Many people love basic and FT staff have mentioned it, that simplicity is the aim and adding too much is what would ruin that. Also, the great pricing must come at a cost in what the app offers. There are so many good sources for what is happening I don’t know why people would need them in the app. I find FT could get too similar to others if it expanded too much so hope it doesn’t grow too much and only adds the highly wanted things whilst keeping it simple. This is a very hard balancing act for the designers etc.
For me, the more important features that I’d like to see implemented are the functional ones like DRIP, investable “buckets” of stocks so you can build your own ETFs, automated investing via direct debits, etc.
As Gary mentioned, there are a million sources for the various bits of price data but the addition of the features above is what will keep people using Freetrade as opposed to another broker.
For me, Freetrade’s basic level is exactly what I want. It’s simple, plain English, and makes enough sense for me to get started. Even if more complicated add ons became available, I’d prefer to see the basic entry level stay the same.
For someone just starting on their investment journey, basic is what is needed, and when I was looking into it, Freetrade was the easiest to understand.
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