Freetrade for Android - Changelogs, Teardowns & Deep Dives 👨‍💻

Version: 1.0.4370


It’s been a month since my last teardown…! But let’s get back to it :relieved:


<string name="beta_badge_title">Beta</string>

Looks like this is the nice Beta badge we see on the ‘Insights’ tab :eyes:

<string name="discover_sectors_items">%1$s items</string>
<string name="discover_sectors_title">Industries</string>

Looks like we’ll be able to filter the ‘Discover’ tab by industries :eyes:

<string name="freeshare_complete_description">"You've earned a mystery share - we'll reveal it in a few weeks!"</string>

This has changed from We gift free shares on Friday

<string name="freeshare_prod_url"></string>

Wow! :eyes: Free (up to) £80 share if you signup using that link :open_mouth:

<string name="instrument_costs">Costs and Charges</string>
<string name="instrument_costs_link">$s.html</string>

Some extra links to costs / charges :slightly_smiling_face: (Currently a placeholder)

<string name="performance_graph_key">Your investment(s)</string>
<string name="performance_subtitle">Investment performance</string>

A graph?! :chart_with_upwards_trend: I like graphs :joy:

<string name="insights_bonds">Bonds</string>
<string name="insights_cash">Cash</string>
<string name="insights_commodities">Commodities</string>
<string name="insights_empty_subtitle">Once you’ve made your first investment you’ll see tools that’ll help you to make well-informed investing choices.</string>
<string name="insights_empty_title">Insights</string>
<string name="insights_group_industry">Industry</string>
<string name="insights_group_location">Location</string>
<string name="insights_group_type">Type</string>
<string name="insights_in">in</string>
<string name="insights_location_uk">UK</string>
<string name="insights_location_us">US</string>
<string name="insights_stocks">Stocks</string>
<string name="insights_subtitle">Portfolio breakdown</string>
<string name="insights_title">Insights</string>

Here are all of the new ‘Insights’ strings :sunglasses: If you’ve got access, this is everything that it’ll currently show you :+1: It’ll be fun to see this list grow! :smiley:

Doesn’t look like there have been any new assets added since version 1.0.3520 :slight_smile: I’ll be doing these teardowns as the app is updated again, hopefully no more crazy delays :raised_hands: