Version: 1.0.4370
It’s been a month since my last teardown…! But let’s get back to it
<string name="beta_badge_title">Beta</string>
Looks like this is the nice Beta badge we see on the ‘Insights’ tab
<string name="discover_sectors_items">%1$s items</string>
<string name="discover_sectors_title">Industries</string>
Looks like we’ll be able to filter the ‘Discover’ tab by industries
<string name="freeshare_complete_description">"You've earned a mystery share - we'll reveal it in a few weeks!"</string>
This has changed from We gift free shares on Friday
<string name="freeshare_prod_url"></string>
Wow! Free (up to) £80 share if you signup using that link
<string name="instrument_costs">Costs and Charges</string>
<string name="instrument_costs_link">$s.html</string>
Some extra links to costs / charges (Currently a placeholder)
<string name="performance_graph_key">Your investment(s)</string>
<string name="performance_subtitle">Investment performance</string>
A graph?! I like graphs
<string name="insights_bonds">Bonds</string>
<string name="insights_cash">Cash</string>
<string name="insights_commodities">Commodities</string>
<string name="insights_empty_subtitle">Once you’ve made your first investment you’ll see tools that’ll help you to make well-informed investing choices.</string>
<string name="insights_empty_title">Insights</string>
<string name="insights_group_industry">Industry</string>
<string name="insights_group_location">Location</string>
<string name="insights_group_type">Type</string>
<string name="insights_in">in</string>
<string name="insights_location_uk">UK</string>
<string name="insights_location_us">US</string>
<string name="insights_stocks">Stocks</string>
<string name="insights_subtitle">Portfolio breakdown</string>
<string name="insights_title">Insights</string>
Here are all of the new ‘Insights’ strings If you’ve got access, this is everything that it’ll currently show you
It’ll be fun to see this list grow!
Doesn’t look like there have been any new assets added since version 1.0.3520 I’ll be doing these teardowns as the app is updated again, hopefully no more crazy delays